Hairy Hump Day #102 (NSFW) and weekly news

BEARSPIRATION: Hello, fellow readers and writers! It’s been a couple of weeks, so I thought it was high time to bring out Hairy Hump Day 102. 

The countdown is on for the release of my new hurt/comfort gay romance “Bradford, Bru and Brendan Too” and I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve been spending far too much time on this and not nearly enough on writing, typical for someone as disorganised as me. Murphy’s Law says right now is when I’m suddenly brimming with ideas for my new book for the Haunted Hearts series, and I’ve taken to leaving random jumbled voice notes here and there, then wondering what on earth I was garbling on about when I listen to them later. 

“Bradford, Bru and Brendan Too” will be out JULY 9TH, with paperbacks released a week earlier ON JULY 2ND to ensure people get them on time. 



Six years ago, I lost my mother, my eyesight, and my career within the space of months. Just as I was starting to get back on my feet, I met Jarrod. His fiery personality drew me in from the start, but eventually he turned it against me. Nowadays, I live in constant fear that his nastiness may soon turn to violence. Nobody can know about this, though. There’s no way I’d be able to deal with that kind of shame and embarrassment. The only saving grace is that Jarrod’s insisted on an open relationship. With him out on the hunt most of the time, I can breathe easier.


I love my partner, but after twenty years together, he’s more of a best mate than a better half. When our sex life died, we decided to open up our relationship. It worked for a long time, but lately we’ve drifted even further apart. I want so much more from life, but at nearly fifty, I’m starting to believe my ship has sailed. And then I meet Bradford…

From the very first night I spotted that gorgeous little teddy bear being harassed at a bar, I wanted to save him. The more time I spend with him, though, I realise there’s no saving my heart. I can’t stand the nightmare I see whenever I look into his restless eyes, but the last thing I want to do is saddle an abused man with an ultimatum. He already has a bully. What I want to give him is love.

BRADFORD, BRU AND BRENDAN TOO is a hurt/comfort romance featuring size difference, possessive/protector, disability rep, and service animals. Please note this book contains themes of domestic abuse, coarse language and violence.

NEW RELEASE BOOK BOXES – containing both the trade and Special Edition paperbacks for “Bradford, Bru and Brendan Too”, plus some great custom book-themed swag:

ALSO, this is the final week for the “Spicy MM Books” and “Find Your Next LGBTQIA+ Read” sales on Bookfunnel. Make sure you grab a bargain from the dozens of featured authors, including my taboo second chance romance “Nervous Kid” and erotic gay novella anthology “One Night Stand” – both discounted for these sales!

Beware: NSFW bears below the jump!

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